Welcome to your case study written in partnership with PeaSoup.
This case study details how Immersion cooling can power the cloud using 100% renewable energy. Discover how PeaSoup have harnessed the power of Submer’s SmartPodX to bring their vision of a truly ECO cloud to life.

What Will You Learn in This Sustainable Cloud Case Study?
Here are a few of the highlights from this case study we did in collaboration with PeaSoup.
The variety of benefits Immersion cooling brings to the Cloud and Hosting industry, particularly as consumers become more aware of environmental impact of hosting and storing data.
How to achieve dramatic reductions in CO2 emissions thanks to the SmartPodX.
How Submer’s SmartPodX can help you to offer the most innovative and forward-thinking technology to your clients, giving them the choice to be green.
Are you currently trying to overcome similar challenges? Download this case study to discover how an immersion cooling tank could be the answer to your problems!