What Makes Submer’s SmartCoolant So Smart?

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April 20, 2021
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This eBook was authored by Submer’s VP of Fluids & Chemistry, Peter Cooper (PhD).

Introduction: Why Adopt Immersion Cooling?

As we usher in the third decade of this century, the case for adopting immersion cooling has never been stronger. In our previous eBook, The 3W’s of Immersion Cooling: What, Why & When!, we discussed how immersion cooling affords end-users a range of benefits, such as huge reductions to energy costs and water consumption, and the potential for deployment in almost any location.

Immersion cooling has been around since the early 1960’s, however, the adoption of this technology as a mainstream solution has remained relatively unheard of until recently. Submer´s SmartCoolant provides a goldilocks solution for many data center problems.

About Immersion Cooling

Immersion cooling is a method in which computer components or full servers are submerged in a thermally – but not electrically – conductive liquid (dielectric coolant), which allows higher heat transfer performance than air.

What You Will Discover in Our SmartCoolant eBook

While the many benefits of immersion cooling is clear, decisions around which liquid to choose may not be. In this eBook, we assess which is the best dielectric coolant. We outline some key immersion cooling concepts and also outline how we envisioned, iterated and designed our own dielectric, proprietary coolant – The SmartCoolant.

Make the Smart Choice For Your Data Center

This eBook will assess the following fluids and support you in making the right decision for your datacenter, company or research project:

• Vegetable oils.
• Mineral oils.
• Fluorocarbons.
• Synthetic fluids (hydrocarbons).

Get smart about our SmartCoolant by downloading our ebook now!

Download the eBbook & discover our immersion fluid offering

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